Outdoor Guides: Discover Your Adventure and Unleash Your Skills for Every Outdoor Occasion

Whether in the woods or on the rock or water, every outdoor enthusiast must learn certain skills, and every kid should begin learning them as well. Hi, my name is Dave and I’ve been fishing and camping since I was 6, and I started rock climbing when I was 18 while studying for my Bachelor’s of Science in Outdoor Education at the University of New Hampshire. I’ve led hiking, camping and rock climbing trips for various groups throughout the Appalachian Trial, the Smoky Mountains, the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Acadia National Park in Maine, and sections of South Carolina and Georgia.

Looking to learn how to fish, camp, or rock climb? All three of these are a lot of fun once you get the basics down; and, the basics are not hard to learn at all. We’ve got you covered! Everything from how to casting, to lures and bait, even fishing methods. Everything from how to choose a camping location, to setting up a tent and shelter, even fire-starting techniques and cooking instructions and recipes. Everything from how to choose a climbing location and proper route for your ability, to setting up a top rope climbing anchor, or choosing the correct piece of passive or active protection for your lead climbs, even ice climbing techniques and protocols.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or self-proclaimed pro angler, camper or rock climber, you can learn from our extensive outdoor guides. These guides will teach you everything you need to get started fishing, camping and rock climbing. We even have knot tying guides. Let’s jump right into it and elevate your outdoor game!